Tuesday, September 1, 2009

need a mental health day...week...whatever.

I have working so hard lately...all I can think about is running away on vacation!

I interviewed a gentleman who was telling me about his upcoming trip to Paris with friends. They rented an apartment and they'll be touring the city for a week.

Just the thought made my heart ache. What I wouldn't do to just take off with my hubby to Paris...in a beautiful apartment...buying cheese and wine...sitting at the base of the Eiffel Tower making fun of other tourists....just like we did on our honeymoon.

Even on our honeymoon I was thinking about starting an vintage shop.

I didn't buy anything for the shop then, but on my next trip to Europe, I picked up this travel clock at a flea market in Bologna.

I carried him around Italy with me...along with a little coin purse and a few other small goodies that I couldn't pass up.

Okay...time to get my act together and head to work.

The entire time, I'll be thinking of this instead: Haven in Paris.

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