Thursday, November 5, 2009

tenacity and target

i have no idea why it is so hard for me to finish what i start. no problem at work...just in my personal life. here i start this blog, i like doing it, and sadly don't update it enough. wondering if other occasional bloggers out there feel the same way.

maybe i just need to plan my free days carefully...making sure i'm not wasting them roaming the aisles of Target. which is exactly what i did today. :)

i have a love-hate relationship with Target. it annoys me that we live in such a disposable/planned obsolescence culture, but i love how cheap and cute everything is here.

case in point...i am seeing these cutie-patootie boots everywhere:

they are steve madden and cost around $140. i've seen them in several different incarnations. all the cool kids are wearing them.

they look great with black leggings, dark skinny jeans, etc.

i may not be cool enough to sport these, but i am definitely smitten. i said to myself, a few more Etsy sales and I could swing those.

then i walk into target.
yeah. they totally knocked off those madden boots. they aren't leather, but hell...they are worth the $30.

they are comfy, cheap and cute. and will most likely go out of style next year.

can't argue with that.

so i scooped these up and walked out. before i bought something else.

then i thought, i should definitely blog about that today.

and here i am. back blogging...if it took a ridiculous deal at Target to do it, so be it.

Friday, September 4, 2009

ok! actually on!

Yes, my dear readers!! This time, I was actually featured on Apartment Therapy through their sister site,

The article is based on decorating a San Francisco couple's sad little kitchen. The author recommended my red canisters to brighten things up a bit!

YAY me!

Apartment Therapy folks REALLY like those little red canisters.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

my stuff in apartment therapy!

Okay, not my actual stuff, but in today's Hot House Tour on Apartment Therapy, I noticed TWO things that Maven Vintage sells in the featured house.

Below, the kitchen of Lisa and Clay who are featured as the Hot House Tour today on AT:

On the shelves in their kitchen are the doppelgangers of my orange enamel teapot and vintage california pottery.


I love this house, but had no idea that Lisa & Clay should hang with Adam and I!

Well, they may be a bit too cool for us.

Here are my versions, available now on Maven Vintage:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

need a mental health day...week...whatever.

I have working so hard lately...all I can think about is running away on vacation!

I interviewed a gentleman who was telling me about his upcoming trip to Paris with friends. They rented an apartment and they'll be touring the city for a week.

Just the thought made my heart ache. What I wouldn't do to just take off with my hubby to a beautiful apartment...buying cheese and wine...sitting at the base of the Eiffel Tower making fun of other tourists....just like we did on our honeymoon.

Even on our honeymoon I was thinking about starting an vintage shop.

I didn't buy anything for the shop then, but on my next trip to Europe, I picked up this travel clock at a flea market in Bologna.

I carried him around Italy with me...along with a little coin purse and a few other small goodies that I couldn't pass up.

Okay...time to get my act together and head to work.

The entire time, I'll be thinking of this instead: Haven in Paris.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

back into the swing of things

well, well.

I've been on a bit of a hiatus and now I am tan, rested and ready! I'm ready to Etsy like crazy, finally finish my master bedroom/living room re-decorating and blog all about it.

In the past few days, I've been swamped with Etsy love and most recently featured on The Storque, Etsy's blog. You can see the actual post here.

They listed my little green martini for two set and it sold in a matter of hours.

Soon after, FifthQuadrant including the super cool antelope clip in her Treasury!

All this attention made me realize that I have to pay more attention to my store.

I've posted a few new things and took a million photos. Soon, you'll begin to see all the treasures that have been taking up space in my garage.

Speaking of Etsy, I've decided to take the plunge and submit an article idea to Storque. I've been pondering this story idea for a while and haven't been brave enough to send it in.

It is high-time that I get back to my journalistic roots. Heaven knows I always have a lot to say.

Monday, July 13, 2009

what a month!

Well, my busy week turned into quite a month!

Excuses as to why I have been absent recently:
- House guests make it difficult to blog and post on Etsy.
"Excuse me, but I need to sit on Blogger and Picasa for a few hours today while you guys drink wine by the pool."

- I got Wii for my birthday.
"Wow, how many sets of eyes do I have to go through before one looks relatively normal..and there is really only one nose option?"

- Lots of crazy going on with my day job.
"M'am we can't sell that to you for an additional 10% off. That would make it free."

- Adam took the only working camera in the house on a business trip for 9 days.
"Wow, I didn't know the iPhone didn't have a digital macro option."

- Lost my iPhone. Seriously.
"What do you mean it will cost me twice as much to replace it as it did to buy it?? I don't think you quite understand, Ms. AT&T person, my LIFE was on that phone!!"

- Heartbreaking turned into heartwarming memorial service for a close family friend in Portland.
"What would I do today if I were brave?"

The entire time in Portland, I just had Fern's voice in my ears reminding me to breathe. It has been a challenging time lately, but everything happens for a reason. Fern's passing reminded me that sometimes it is okay to go with the flow and allow things to happen naturally.

However, in the other ear, Fern was whispering, "Stop wasting time on Wii, blog and Etsy to your hearts content, and you guys should really get that second camera fixed."

So, Fern...this post is for you. The camera is going into the shop this week.

Monday, June 15, 2009

what a week!

Well, a lot is happening this week.

My inlaws are coming to town and I am honestly excited. they are great to have around and they haven't met Bourbon yet.

My birthday is Thursday, dinner party on Friday, Block Party on Saturday and Father's Day on Sunday.


Good thing I had time to post these bad boys on the store today: I've been meaning to add them to the store for days and finally got a chance this morning.

In other Etsy news, I've been having great convos with Kelly from The Best Things and with Laura who will feature Maven Vintage on her blog! I also got Bourbon a new collar and leash set from Lindsay at The Hydrant. Once I receive, I will post Bourbon modeling those soon. :)

Gotta run...the guest room needs vacuuming.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

etsy comes to sf!

Tonight, I had the pleasure of mingling with fellow Etsians and meeting the current brains behind

At the meetup, the CEO Maria answered many questions and gave us a little insight for what is to come with the site we love.

One side note - it was held at Crossroads Cafe which has an incredible mission and not to mention great food. Please check it out if you are in the Bay Area.

As expected, everyone was very cool. As the one of two vintage sellers there, it felt a little lonely. I'd love to meet other vintage sellers in the Bay Area. I might just start my own little meet up. :)

Here were some of the fabulous sellers I got to meet:
Jill of Scabby Robot
Maggie of MaggieHurley
Brenda of Phydeaux
Mandy of Small Threads
Valerie of Piper Tate
Lisa of Savor (she did a great recap - read it here.)

Please visit their shops and support handmade and hand-selected stuff!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

love lucite!

Well, instead of getting ready for work, I sucked major time away scouring the web for lucite nightstands.

You might be laughing right now wondering why I would even want these.

Well, check this out:  

I know...and now you want a pair too!  Photo courtesy of the blog of Eddie Ross.  Despite his horrid attitude on that show, he does have impeccable taste.

Oh and I'm posting some fabulous new things for Maven Vintage on Etsy this is a sneak peek. Gotta run!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

maker faire and other pursuits

Adam and I explored the Bay Area Maker Faire this 
past weekend and boy it was a hoot. We got to letterpress a small journal, witness giant Lego dioramas and play with robots! Jesus, we are geeks.

And of course I shopped...and saved. A fellow Etsian,
Bread & Badger, was there and I happily purchased Adam's birthday present and saved mucha moolah on shipping. Very cool.

It was wonderful to see many Etsy sellers and see their fabulous 
craft first hand. I had the pleasure of meeting Mark of marmar and he is now a favorite of mine. 

His designs are incredible and I put one of his pendants on my birthday wishlist. Hey, a girl can dream.
Speaking of dreaming, in my marginal attempt at domestication, I made a strawberry jam AND strawberry pie this past week. I must say, the results have been delicious.  

I freaking LOVE California. All this fresh fruit is making me a little woozy.  I wonder what I'll make next...

Monday, June 1, 2009

ah, the inaugural entry.

Welcome to the first entry of Maven Vintage, the blog of

Everywhere I turn, I see inspring things in unexpected places.  

I've decided to share my love of treasure hunting and deal-discovering with a spankin' new blog.

Join me and check out what I find!